« Hello,
I’m a French passionated photographer, self skilled, I have always been interested by the art of photography.
As an adolescent, I already used from time to time my parent’s analog camera.
As a student I bought myself my first camera, a compact, at the very beginning of the era of the Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera when only wealthy professional photographers could afford this equipment.
At the end of 2000, with this same compact, on a crazy dare between friends, I created our ice hockey team nude calendar using for material only a tripod, a compact, a white sheet as a background and halogen spots. 500 copies where printed and sold.
It was only in 2007 I could buy myself my first DSLR camera using the excuse of my first son’s birth. Finding at that time my pictures were too classic, I enriched my skills by reading books and informations on internet in order to understand each functionality of my DSLR camera. I had to also develop my eye to capture those moments in life which we want to eternalized.
I can’t stay inactive, I like and I’m interested in many things. Photography is the central nerve of my life which link all my others hobbies like sports, lifestyle, love, travel… Reason why I have become a freelance photographer years ago.
Life is too short to get bored, so enjoy it thoroughly !
Stéphane Valembois »
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